6 May 2023

Replay of the space hydrology webinar

7 experts in space hydrology, from several continents and research institutes, discussed the benefits of a constellation of small altimetry satellites dedicated to updating continental surface water levels on a daily basis.

#climatechange #EarthObservation #hydrology #SDG #smallsat

30 March 2023

BWI was at the UN Water Conference in NYC

Jeremy Fain, our CEO, was a speaker at the UN Global Compact CEO Water Mandate, side-event of the UN 2023 Water Conference, on Thursday, March 22nd 2023 afternoon at The Yale Club of New York City.

The event focused on what must be done to achieve positive outcomes in at least 100 basins by 2030 across the key dimensions of Sustainable Development Goal 6 (‘Ensure access to water and sanitation for all’), including water quantity, quality and accessibility.

#climatechange #SDG #water