BWI to Host the 4th Edition of ‘l’Apéro de l’Hydro’

‘L’Apéro de l’Hydro’ is an event that brings together hydrology operators to discuss recent water-related achievements and findings. The event is also the perfect occasion to grow your network in the hydrology industry.

You are all warmly invited to the 4th edition of ‘Apéro de l’Hydro’ afterwork!

This event is scheduled for Wednesday, September 27th, 2023 at 5:15pm in Toulouse.


Here are our keynote speakers for the occasion:

– Irvina PARREL, Occitania & Senegal river basin networks focal point @pS-Eau, on ‘Supporting international solidarity and cooperation for water and sanitation access’,

– Priyanka D. Rajkakati, PhD, Aerospace engineer (Ph.D.) and artist @Institut Supérieur de l’Aéronautique et de l’Espace, on ‘How to combine science, space & art to combat floods in Assam, India: Project RiVeins’,

– Pankyes Datok, hydrology lecturer @Alex Ekwueme Federal University, Nigeria, on ‘Sediment transportation in large basins, the exemple of Congo’,

– Florian Hoorelbeke, Hydrology Market Analyst @Kinéis, to unveil a hydrology whitepaper.


Roxelane Cakir will be present to serve as the master of ceremony.

To register to l’Apéro de l’Hydro, click here or scan the QR code below.

We can’t wait to welcoming you! and join a vibrant community around hydrology.

Please note that this is a free event, but registration is required due to limited capacity and need to budget for catering.

Apéro de l'hydro program