3 February 2025
BWI’s Virtual Station approach integrates remote sensing, hydrological modeling, and machine learning to provide real-time, scalable hydrological forecasts for global water management.
28 January 2025
Kazakhstan, the largest landlocked country in the world, faces complex hydrological challenges that significantly impact its economy, ecosystem, and population. Water resources, whilst present, are unevenly distributed across the territory and are under increasing pressure from agriculture, industry, and climate change.
14 January 2025
Plastic pollution in rivers is a growing global crisis, with rivers like the Ganges, Yangtze, and Buriganga transporting millions of tons of waste annually into oceans. Factors such as rapid urbanization, poor waste management, and single-use plastics drive this issue, endangering ecosystems and human health.
18 November 2024
This performance report assesses the effectiveness of BWI’s discharge forecast model for the Tarn River, specifically at the Countal outlet with a catchment area of 15969 km2, located in southern France. The Tarn River basin features dramatic elevation changes, descending from mountainous regions to the plains, and it passes through varied terrain, including limestone plateaus, deep gorges, and agricultural lowlands. Mediterranean and oceanic influences characterize the climate in the area. The summer droughts and Cévennes rains – with monsoon-like intense rainfall, result in very high peak flows. BWI’s model demonstrates strong performance on the validation dataset (NNSE = 0.72), with very well-captured baseflow and peak-flow occurrences.
6 November 2024
In the latest performance report, we assess the effectiveness of BWI’s discharge forecast model for the Bourbre River, specifically at the Vernay outlet, which covers an area of 313 km². The drainage basin of the Bourbre river, located in southeastern France, is characterized by hills, plateaus overlooking valleys, and extensive marshes. The climate in the region is temperate, with both mountainous and continental influences due to its proximity to the Alps and the Rhône Valley. The model demonstrates strong performance on the testing dataset (NNSE = 0.73), accurately simulating baseflow. The underestimation of river discharge during summer months reflects the limited resolution of the available meteorological data.
19 October 2024
The 75th International Astronautical Congress in Milan was a pivotal moment in the ongoing dialogue about the role of space exploration in building a sustainable future. For companies like BWI, IAC 2024 offered a glimpse into how space data can revolutionize hydrological monitoring and contribute to a more sustainable world.
18 October 2024
At the 12th World General Assembly of the International Network of Basin Organizations (INBO), BWI had the privilege of joining global leaders in water resource management to discuss one of the most pressing challenges of our time: climate-resilient basin management. Held in Bordeaux, France, this event not only marked INBO’s 30th anniversary but also offered an invaluable opportunity to learn from experts and engage in meaningful dialogue on innovative solutions for sustainable water practices.
14 October 2024
Our Sales Manager, Benoît Miltin, had the pleasure of attending Le Grand LAB’EAU, a landmark event commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Water & Environment sector. Held in Limoges, France, this gathering spotlighted six decades of water policy and its enduring impact, while addressing the pressing challenges posed by climate change. The event featured conferences, workshops, and debates on topics such as efficient agricultural reservoir management and impactful projects like Explore 2.
11 October 2024
In our latest Performance Report, we assess the effectiveness of BWI’s discharge forecast model for the Gardon River, specifically at the Pont de Russan outlet. Covering an area of 1,533.7 km², this catchment, located northwest of Nîmes, in southern France, features 362 reaches and 4 dams. The region typically experiences dry conditions with low baseflow (2-5 m³/s) but is vulnerable to sudden heavy rainfall and flash flooding. The model demonstrates strong overall performance (NNSE 0.81), accurately simulating baseflow, flood detection, and flood recession. This performance is crucial for managing water resources, supporting early warning systems, and aiding the design of critical flood prevention infrastructure.
9 October 2024
We are pleased to announce that Benoît Miltin, BWI’s sales manager, had the honor of representing our company as part of the French delegation at an energy-focused conference in the United States. This gathering took place in the capital city during the first week of October 2024. Organized by MEDEF International in collaboration with the Renewable Energy Association (SER), it emphasized the crucial need to expand renewable energy production and ensure equitable access to these resources.